Friday, March 28, 2014

My Library .

This wonderful transformation came from my cousin Jennifer that I love dearly. She said you need to change this room and make it a T.V. room and so this room evolved.

Starting with the walls I used  a saddle brown to give it a manly rugged look. The fire place being my focal point was painted in flat black to stand out. There is a faux white marble slab in front of the fire place that I painted using the same flat black, to make the fire place look bigger. The fire place mantle holds one of my clocks that my parents gave Michael and I one Christmas. The candles were in a previous blog, and the collection also started from my cousin Jenifer. In life, family and friends give our lives meaning and purpose and help to make us what we eventually become.

The lady framed above the mantle was found hidden in the rafters when we remodeled this same room.How appropriate that she should still take her place as madam of the library and hang above the fire place!

The bench I know you recognize from my last blog.(making a bench from an old bed) I love the way it adds to the room adding a rich rugged look.
The violins are sentimental to me. At one time I didn't have extra money to go buy art work so I just used the beginner violins my kids learned to play on, so they became one of my favorite things.

The baby grand piano is 140 years old. I purchased it from an antique dealer. The piano has been refurbished and I like to sit and play from time to time.
The mother and baby picture above the piano were found in a garbage pile the same goes for the frame. The frame needed a little extra work so I used a patterned wallpaper on the frame first and then painted it with gold paint.

Next the hunt was on for leather couch and chair ( not so easy as it seems) I had no idea they were so expensive. I searched high and low and finally found the look that was perfect with a price tag to match.

Making curtains is always a must for me because the fabric is what is going to always make a room.

The main reason for starting this room was to give Michael a relaxing room to watch television in. Thanks to my son in law Dan who helped me find the television and mount it on the wall. ( you are the greatest ) The  T.V. pulls out to any angle, it's amazing all this wonderful technology we have today. Underneath I used a black and gray marbled top chest. I placed one of my clocks on top the chest and added antlers holding a dish with Greek icons in it.

The coffee table is full of books and a basket holding more antlers. The coffee table has been painted so many time but the flat black was just right to add balance to the mantle.

I love to decorate a desk with small collectible objects, in this case my dog collection and small boxes. There is an old pair of boxing gloves that belonged to my father in law, Isadore.

On the book case on the lower shelf I always have small things for the grand children to play with. I always want my grand kids to feel at home when they come to Pa pau and Ya ya's house. My husband and I have two girls, one son in law, four grand kids, three dogs, and lots of family and friends, this house is home to all.
This is Toula our Australian cattle dog and she is cold and ready for spring to spring!
My house is not the most beautiful house in the world, but what makes it so special is where I get the things I decorate with, and what I do to transform them. It makes me smile to see the transformation in the end. You don't have to have a lot of money to decorate you just have to have a vision. If you have some pictures of your decorating ideas I'd love to here from you. ( )

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