Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Little Bird Hotels

I love mornings when my husband and I can sit and drink our coffee and watch all the birds coming to the feeders. To encourage our nesting friends, we made, bought , and redid all kinds of different bird houses. My bird houses have been every color under the sun, it just depends what color I am into for the spring! Make sure your houses can be cleaned out because a lot of birds will not use a house that still has remnants of another bird. The last thing I add are pull knobs and antique door knobs, they add a whimsical look.

For the perch on this house I used one of my old blue willow knobs. 

For this house I used a flower pull knob. You can really find some beautiful knobs out there now and at some good prices. I also have a basket in the yard that I put string, cotton, grass, and other items for the birds to build their nest.
This is a Marten house , this type of bird will take care of a lot of pesky insects.
If you have a garden spot that needs a little extra softness a bird house is a wonderful addition.
Happy bird watching!

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