Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Garden Update

This is such a wonderful time of year! Everything smells so good and the garden stores are filled with delightful things. I wanted to give an update on the garden because a lot has changed since I started with the preparation!

I love to fill beautiful large pots with a variety of perennial and annual flowers. In this pot I have put as my main attraction a blue hydrangea that looks as if it may bloom soon. There is a red Amaryllis bulb and some petunias as well as English ivy so I can have a cascade look. "A thriller, a filler, and a spiller!"

This is a wicker basket I painted black. In this basket I have placed portulacas, petunias, and small seeds to come up later.

The seeds that we planted in a previous blog have grown so fast. Here they are in there containers. The nest pictures show the transplant and the finished up garden boxes.

The garden boxes have been framed and we have added mulch to keep weeds at bay. Beans and cucumbers need a trellis so my husband Michael added stakes and wire for this purpose.

This is a picture of our fabulous pomegranate tree with the bright orange flowers in the back. ( the humming birds love it.) To the right back is our grapefruit tree that we had over 800 fruit last year. Up front in the large pot is a kumquat tree and I have added a variety of flowers for ground cover.

Sometimes it is the little things that make an area pop! So as to not get overwhelmed, I work with one small section at a time. When that is complete I go on to the next.

If you have a garden project you love, I would love to hear from you at happy gardening!

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